
Silly again...

I know im being childish and selfish sometimes .
and makes you tired.

you are really Adult and quiet always.

usual im really respect you
and think you are most strong and sweet, faithful
parson that i met in my life

and i thinking im lucky that could met you and be with you .

You gave me your hand and pulled me up from the Darkness.

but sometimes i feel so silly and miserable of myself

coz im not like you
and i`m not sure how can i be strong like you.

and think im not deserve you???....
then im getting scared
if i make you disappointed of me...
if you give up on me....

and when you feel like that i`m getting runaway from you and myself.
You are so much means to me
that`s why i wanna feel i am special to you.

I`m sorry and thank you for your patience

2 件のコメント:

  1. I do not embarrass, and am not tired for you to think.

    I also am depending too much enough on you, and I think it is even because they are made to embarrass it.

    Because I become tired, you always think that it parts or you abandon me oppositely, and I part though I seem to think.

    Let's work hard though it might be variously in the future because there are a place mutually resembled and the opposite truth place.

  2. ありがとぅBaby♥
    you are My Only and Best<3
